Definitive Guide On Why You Need High-Mileage Oil
Is your car getting some miles on it and you’re wondering whether you should switch to high-mileage engine oil? Wonder no more…the answer is yes! If you are like most people, an answer that simple is not good enough.
You will want to know why you should make the switch and what benefits a high-mileage oil can offer. If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. Keep reading to find out exactly why you need to use high-mileage oil in your vehicle.
How Is High-Mileage Oil Different?
You might be thinking that oil is oil and there is no difference between different versions. However, that thinking is incorrect. High-mileage oil is specifically designed to be used in high-mileage engines. It contains special detergents and additives that help to clean older engines and restore seals to their original condition.
These additives also help reduce friction and prevent burnoff which can be a problem in high-mileage engines. High-mileage oil is specially formulated to help extend the life of your car’s engine, and there are clear differences in the formula and ingredients that do just that.
Why Do I Need High-Mileage Oil?
As cars get older, they start to show signs of age just like people or pets. Seals and gaskets become brittle and can start to leak. Sludge may start to form in your engine. The internal parts of your engine can become more susceptible to heat and friction. All of these things are bad for your car’s motor and can lead to early failure of your engine. High-mileage oil helps to prevent these things from happening, and it is definitely the best oil for high-mileage vehicles.
High-mileage oil helps to condition old seals and help prevent leaks. In some cases, it can even cause small existing leaks to stop as the seals are returned to their normal condition. Special detergents in this oil help to remove and prevent sludge buildup inside the engine.
Additives inside this oil provide extremely good friction protection, which in turn reduces the amount of heat produced in the motor. All of this is good news for your car’s engine and should certainly be reason enough to consider switching to a high-mileage oil once your car reaches 75,000 miles or more.
How Much Does High-Mileage Oil Cost
Here’s the good news…high-mileage oil is about the same price as its normal counterpart. There is not much price difference at all between regular oil and the high-mileage version. Depending on whether you opt for conventional or synthetic, you can expect to pay anywhere from $6 – $15 per quart for high-mileage oil.
You can sometimes find gallon or 5-quart jugs that bring down the per quart price. Plus, with the full synthetic oil you can extend the time period between oil changes. Some of the synthetic oils allow you to drive up to 10,000 miles between changes. This can help to offset the higher price point of the synthetic oil.
If you have thought about switching to a high-mileage engine oil in your vehicle, you should absolutely give it a try. These formulas are designed to help restore your engine to its original condition and extend its life. For about the same price as regular oil, you can keep your car running smoothly for many years to come.
High-mileage oil is not just a gimmick as there are real differences in the formula and additives. Give a high-mileage oil a try and see what a difference it can make for your car. Your engine will thank you!