Three Excellent Reasons Why RV Auctions Save You Money
Most people know that they can save money by going to an auction. That is why cars and RV auctions are so popular in today’s tough economic times. The five most common reasons why people would want to save money at an auction are as follows:
The first reason is people have an opportunity to buy RVs that nobody else wants. They’re buying them from desperate sellers. Desperate sellers, like credit unions and banks are anxious to unload unwanted inventory. This is a reason why they sell at auction. If you are willing to help them get rid of it quickly, then you can save money.
The next reason why you can save money at an auction is because there other types of RVs for sale besides just repos. Sometimes there are wrecked RVs and cars and sometimes there are damaged or salvaged ones as well. These are essentially RVs that the insurance companies salvaged because they cost more than 60% of the value of the RV to fix it up. The insurance company decides that it is not worth for them to fix up the RVs and then they sell it at an auction to the highest bidder.
The third reason why RV auctions have great deals is because they seldom use RVs. Used RV auctions are obviously going to cost less than RVs if they were new. In addition, because they are used and because they are often not in the best showroom condition, people won’t bid as much for them. And you will be able to get a good price. Sometimes you may just have to do a few minor repairs or clean carpets in order to have an RV that is in very good condition and ready to sell. It is a great idea to make sure to inspect each part of that you might be interested in buying, so that you know whether or not it is in good condition.